Seed Oils and Inflammation: a Hidden Driver of Heart Disease?

Lately we’ve been talking a lot about why ApoB is a more accurate biomarker than LDL-cholesterol in the context of heart disease and metabolic health.

As discussed previously, ApoB and other components of LDL-cholesterol are prone to oxidation and modification, which is known to initiate the process of atherosclerosis leading to heart disease.

Evidence suggests diets rich in omega-6 seed oils increase LDL susceptibility to oxidation.

Here’s why this is a problem (especially if you're low-carb).

In this video we discuss more about the hypothesis that Omega-6 vegetable oils are a driver of coronary heart disease, with a special emphasis on:

01:00 Industrial seed oils can make your LDL more prone to oxidation.

05:30 Links between omega 6 vegetable oils and heart disease.

08:25 Oxidation of LDL is initiated by the oxidation of linoleic acid contained within the LDL particles.

11:00 Oxidized LDL creates secondary product that that causes damage within the vessels.

11:08 When saturated fat plus trans fat is replaced with omega 6 vegetable oils, there is an increase in all cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality.


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