Health coaching goal setting healthy cooking eating healthy


If you’re a healthy weight individual without medical concerns and already doing healthy things, but are wanting to make sure you’re doing things right and are seeking expert advice. Or maybe you’re trying to make healthy meals for your family, but seem to fall off the wagon a few weeks (or even days) later. Or maybe you’ve lost weight and now want to find a sustainable lifestyle. That’s where we come in! Need more help than that? Check out our Clinical Nutrition Membership.

As nutrition professionals, we sort out all the conflicting nutrition information out there, and hone in on the health and nutrition information that's relevant to you as an individual and/or family.

To help you refine what you are already doing, we will give you weekly handouts. Consider the reading as your homework and you would work with your nutritionist to tailor individualized

goals based off of the information shared. Each week you learn new nutrition insights and are setting health goals.

As health coaches, we are supportive mentors that guide clients, encouraging every step of the way, until goals are reached. Coaching is about having an accountability partner who will support and encourage you even when you feel ready to quit. When there are setbacks in your wellness journey (there will be setbacks), we offer a supportive role to help you learn and grow through each of those experiences. We don’t believe that you are either “on or off the wagon,” but rather each new situation you encounter that can “throw you off” is a way to create a game plan to be victorious in the future.

Though a standstill or setback can be frustrating, we don’t live in a bubble so living your life through pandemics (looking at you COVID!), vacations, sicknesses, changing seasons, new relationships or jobs, etc. it is the only way you can see how you react in a variety of situations and grow the proper wellness skills you need for a lifetime. And because we are you partner, we give you ideas if you feel stuck or unmotivated, to help you along your way.


An Initial 40-Minute Consultation call spent reviewing your electronic health assessment and symptoms questionnaires then determining long-term and short-term health goals.

Plus up to 8 weekly 20-minute phone appointments that will provide step-by-step instructions to create permanent positive changes for your health and well-being. Pricing is $155/month for 3 months. The cost of the Initial Consultation is included in the monthly pricing.