healing emotional eating licensed nutritionist dietician clinical nutrition functional medicine functional nutrition Gestational diabetes type 2 diabetes IBS IBD GERD reflux h pylori


Not only will you get specific nutrition recommendations based off of current research for your health condition(s), but you will also get the added benefit of coaching to help you achieve your health goals faster. Health coaching is your key to success as it literally bridges the gap between knowing what you want to be/should be doing and having yourself actually do it. Coaching sessions provide accountability, consistency, and ongoing support so that you get the long lasting results you've always wanted. You choose how you’d like to meet: phone or video conferencing! See below for more membership information.


We are rooted in functional medicine based nutrition. Functional medicine is powerful nutrition-focused care centered at finding the cause of a problem and correcting that, rather than just reducing symptoms while the health of the person continues to deteriorate. Multiple symptoms are clues to the ways in which your body is not functioning the way it should be. We can review those symptoms to understand which systems of your body need support to get back on track and get you healthy again.  Each Clinical Nutrition Membership at Thrive Nutrition is unique to each individual. We examine your whole picture -- diet, health history, symptoms, potential toxic exposure, lab work, how you view yourself, stress levels, close relationships, career satisfaction, physical activity level and spiritual awareness so that we are able to put together an overall food plan + coaching discussions that optimizes your health. Vibrant health is your birthright and chronic disease is not inevitable.


  • Start with a free 30-minute phone call. No sales pitch, just a casual conversation where we get to know more about you and your health goals.

  • Your Initial Consult is thorough 90 minutes! Follow up appointments are 50-minutes with the option to have shorter 25-minute check-in appointments. Is this more than you need? Check out our Health Coaching!

  • You will get to focus on one health topic, with the option to add another health topic if you choose to extend your membership

  • Dietary advice with a strong emphasis on eating food as nourishing and as evolutionarily consistent as possible: nutrient-dense, chemical-free, anti-inflammatory foods like organ meats, pasture-raised + wild-caught meats, organic produce, sprouted nuts and seeds and fermented foods. Grains may be an option depending on your health goals and food sensitivities.

  • If needed, you have access to pure, potent and pharmaceutical-grade supplements right at your fingertips. Easily order through our online dispensary Fullscript with a minimum 15% discount.

  • Our difference: we uniquely combine nourishing foods, positive psychology and a mind-body philosophy


Your 3 Month Clinical Nutrition Membership will start with a 90-Minute Initial Consultation. Your Initial Consultation will determine how much you’re on track right now, how far your long term goals may be as well as potential future roadblocks you may need assistance with. We will also determine which Health Topic (see below) we will focus on. Most of our clients make wonderful progress in that 3 month timeline. If you think you need more time or want to work on additional Health Topic, you can extend your Clinical Nutrition Membership at a reduced rate.


90-Minute Initial Consultation, in depth review of Personal Health Assessment and Medical Symptoms Questionnaires, tailored lifestyle and supplement suggestions, weekly health handouts based on your interests and goals, unlimited email and if applicable, a grocery store tour and/or lab testing with interpretations.

Cost: $200/month for 3 months. Choose 1 health topic and have 5, 50-minute or 10, 25-minute appointments (or a combination of both) with an option to add an additional 2 months at $185/month. Pay with cash, HSA/FSA, medical insurance or get reimbursed with PPO plans.

In acknowledgment of inflation, we also offer Ability-to-Pay, also known as Sliding Scale fees for clients to pay what they can comfortably afford.


Our nutrition professionals can work on any topic

  • Weight Loss muscle diet fat loss nutritionist  Gestational diabetes type 2 diabetes IBS IBD GERD reflux h pylori Carnivore Low Carb Keto Paleo


    See our FAQs about natural ways we stimulate GLP-1.* Imagine feeling full for 3-4 hours at a time without the urge to snack. What would your life be life with minimal cravings for sweets and caffeine? What more could you do with sustained and stable energy levels all day? Our approach revs up metabolism & targets fat cells. Our strategy is simple, yet has profound benefits to your metabolism: eat enough protein for muscle health, enjoy healthy fats for fullness, control blood sugar by customizing carbs, practice timed eating and complete exercises 3x/week that burn fat while building muscle. Supplement Recommendations: The Thrive Daily 5 + Fat Burning and Craving Control Supplements like GLP-1 probiotic and ketones. *If you’re already taking a GLP-1, we can help you prevent muscle mass loss and solidify healthy habits.

  • Pregnancy fertility nutrition better baby book dave asprey Gestational diabetes type 2 diabetes IBS IBD GERD reflux h pylori Carnivore Low Carb Keto Paleo


    Think of your pre-fertility year as an amazing opportunity to improve your overall health and well-being. Now is the time to focus on you, reset, identify and address underlying health issues and find your highest expression of balance. There is no better way to head into pregnancy than that. If you are pregnant, it's never too late to learn the foods to eat to best support your growing baby. This program provides supplement advice, special pregnancy foods, simple recipes, pregnancy/birth tips and helpful books to guide you have your best pregnancy! We also include a list of healthy + balanced food products for toddlers - believe us, they can be hard to find! Supplement Recommendations: Fertility Support or Based on Trimester

  • Healing emotional eating stress eating eating at night binge eating


    End the yo-yo dieting cycle forever! This program is for anyone who wants to identify and overcome their biggest obstacles with emotional eating. You will explore your unique connection to food, who you are as an eater and your specific triggers. You will learn how to be in control of the food you eat (instead of food controlling you) by learning how to fully enjoy your meals, cultivate relaxation, as well as develop confidence and self compassion around eating. Strengthening these healthy habits will help you let go of fears, guilt and old habits and liberate you out of the negative eating cycles and leave you feeling empowered. Supplement Recommendations: The Thrive Daily 5 + Cravings and Calming Supplements like GLP-1 probiotic, L-theanine and glutamine

  • SIBO IBS H. Pylori IBD yeast overgrowth GERD reflux constipation diarrhea Carnivore Low Carb Keto Paleo


    For anyone whose quality of life is reduced by their chronic digestive problems. We help our clients find digestive relief, even if you have been seen by gastroenterologists. GI-Map Stool testing is required to figure out what is irritating your digestive system. We improve your immune and detox systems, removes stressors, reduce inflammation and provide specific dietary guidelines and supplements to heal your gut. Learn more about our approach here. Supplement Recommendations: Digestive Balancing + Healing Support

  • Veri Levels Health Nutrisense Signos Blood sugar balance blood sugar control CGM continuous glucose monitor Levels Gestational diabetes type 2 diabetes IBS IBD GERD reflux h pylori


    Getting off the blood sugar rollercoaster means better fat burning, less cravings, better mood, more focus and more! Learn your unique carbohydrate tolerance with insight with the most affordable Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) on market: the Freestyle Libre 2 or 3 paired with the Veri Stable app. Learn more about our approach here. Supplement Recommendations: The Thrive Daily 5, Glucose Control + Cravings Support

  • menopause perimenopause osteoporosis osteopenia nutrition Carnivore Low Carb Keto Paleo weight lifting strength training hypertrophy


    Aging doesn’t have to lead to frailty or declining health. Learn how muscle mass is the key to anti-aging, independence, balance and longevity. We will work with you to eat and move in a way to build your muscle and age with confidence. Supplement Recommendations: The Thrive Daily 5, Anti-Inflammation + Memory Support

  • Carnivore Low Carb Keto Paleo Gestational Diabetes ADD ADHD food sensitivity


    Everyone wants their family to be healthy, but it isn't always easy! We work with parents to learn what healthy eating looks like and how to get their kids excited and engaged with healthy food. We teach parents tips on how to plan and cook healthy meals, suggest kid-friendly snacks and how to make family dinners more fun. We also help parents explore potential food eliminations if members of the family are showing food sensitivities. Supplement Recommendations: The Thrive Daily 5

  • Low Carb diet keto diet carnivore diet AIP gluten free Paleo Gestational diabetes type 2 diabetes IBS IBD GERD reflux h pylori


    Low Carbohydrate (Low Carb, LCHF), High Protein, Ketogenic, Paleo, Gluten-Free, Dr. Saladino’s Carnivore(ish), Food Sensitivities and Real Food Nutrition.


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