Good gut health = better digestion, better nutrient absorption, better sense of well-being and even better fat burning!
Most people don’t normally talk about poop, but we do it all the time - it’s our job! We like to call ourselves “the Gut Gals” because our primary focus in getting your digestion optimized.
Occasional digestive upset can usually be corrected quickly with improving diet quality (potentially eliminating gluten and/or dairy AKA more Paleoish), getting in sync with your circadian rhythm (what time of you eat + how much) and how you eat (relaxed, aware and with pleasure).
If you’re experiencing frequent gas, intestinal pain, bloating, reflux, constipation (not pooping once per day a sufficient amount) or diarrhea, something in your digestive tract is off that needs to be addressed more deeply.
In conventional medicine, there’s not much done for IBS because your tests may look normal and there’s no obvious cause for why your intestines are acting finicky. You might have been told to take a probiotic or eat more fiber. However a lot of times, these things have traditionally flared symptoms.
We address IBS differently. Anyone with frequent, quality-of-life reducing symptoms, we have them take a simple, one sample stool test. We also get them on the Paleo diet: 80-90% is the goal, that’s usually high enough for most people to have a meaningful reduction in symptoms.
When we get the stool test results back, we might tweak the Paleo diet depending on what is found. We also tailor an 8-12 week supplement plan to potentially: eradicate microorganism overgrowths, balance inflammation, support detoxing, assist digestive organs and promote probiotic diversity and density.
After that, the fun part: we do a reintroduction of non-Paleo foods you miss the most to see what your body doesn’t mind!