Need To Eat More Veggies? Try Them For Breakfast!

Did you know that for optimal health, we are supposed to have at least 5 cups of produce per day (and most of that being vegetables)? Dr. Terry Wahls who is a researcher and practicing physician and who also reversed her progressive MS, takes it even further and recommends 9 cups of vegetables and fruit daily! How many cups do you think you average? If you're like most people, you'll probably find that you're having between 1-2 cups per day.

One often overlooked area of opportunity is having vegetables at breakfast! Having vegetables for breakfast is a great way to fill you up and also gets you started early on your goal of 5 cups per day. You can throw them in a smoothie (greens like spinach or even frozen cauliflower!), mix them into your eggs, or make a hearty hash!

Here are some recipes to try:


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